God's Way

Daddy Mock and I have had it on our hearts lately to add more of God into our daily dialogue with the kids. I was raised in a home where one couldn't hide from him. He was everywhere. Be it in the worship music blaring early in the morning to the prayers prayed very audibly in the shower. We were "blessed" every morning before leaving school and prayed for every evening for our future and our choices. He was everywhere, my parents' influence was everywhere, they were growing kids God's way.

What a testimony now that I am a mother and realizing how important that element is! Especially through discipline and rearing...it's so important children know the "why's" of not being able to do something other than "Don't spit" or "Tell the truth", they need depth, they need reason and purpose, and it's our job to speak that into them!
The reason I write this is actually to document a conversation Kid and I had back from the park today.

It goes like this:

Kid: "If I were to disobey and let go of the stroller, we could get hit by a car"
Mommy: "Yes, that is true, but thank you for obeying and holding on to the stroller (thinking, 'what a morbid thought!')"
Kid: "Does it hurt Jesus in my heart when I disobey?"
Mommy: "It does, it hurts Mommy, Daddy, Jesus, and whoever you may have sinned against"
Kid: "Does Jesus respect telling the truth?" (no joke, he asked that!)
Mommy: (shocked that he gets it) "Yes, he does, son, it makes him very happy. When you don't tell the truth, that is sinning and it makes him very sad".
Kid: "I don't want Jesus to be sad, he's in my heart, he wants to be happy, haha"
Mommy: "And that's why we try to obey and not hurt any body's feelings, because it can hurt them and Jesus".
Kid: "And that's the truth!"

The kid seriously astounds me sometimes at his insight and knowledge. Times like these, when they weave together thoughts and ideas that confirm all that you have been putting into them make it worth it, and make it known that building a foundation, God's way, is worth the extra time and effort!