Play Hard, Pay Hard

I've mentioned that the past few weeks and next few weekends have and will be ridiculously crazy. We are now experiencing the repercussions of cramming too much activity in. Last night was one of the craziest nights with the boys.
Long story short, Daddy Mock and I were both up until 4am-with one or either of the boys--a combo of getting sick and over tiredness surely did a fine job of making sure no one slept well last night--a rarity for this household! A tickle in my throat quickly turned to a head cold and Scarlett decided to do somersaults and flips until near 6am.
Thankfully the boys awoke willing to laze with me all day, reading books and playing very well together so that I could at least sit and rest my eyes (while open--trust me, it's possible, I learned that skill in college).
The weekend is over and all I have to show for it was this blanket, which was made for a special baby boy coming soon and to join two of the onesies in the tutorial below.
I'm hoping your weekend was much more restful than ours and that you may have gotten a little bit more sleep!