Picture Perfect

-Gorgeous Couple
-Gorgeous Kids
-Rockin' Style

So when I was asked to photograph them, no hesitation. And the kids were angels...normally kids have a cap at about 1/2 hr, and then I try to stretch them to 1 hr through lots of tricking and game playing...not needed, these kids hammed it up until the end!
See what I mean?
Love this, especially the dialogue that was going on during it! (had to have been there)
See what I mean (again)?
Upon downloading the hundreds shot, I literally only had to delete a few. There were way to many "good ones" and none of them needed editing... to view a few more of this gorgeous family, click here.
Oh, and HUGE thank you to the participation on the ruffle votes. I am glad I won't be spending all my time ironing and sewing...you guys rock (husband included)!