What is a bathing suit and a summer bonnet doing on a blog post dated December 23rd? Nesting has no logic, folks.
The "list" of to-dos is getting smaller and smaller, which leaves a lot of time for crafting! Never mind that there is a load (or possibly two) of laundry that could very well be folded at the moment. The bonnet came first. (and oh how lovely it matches this adorable swim suit!)
The "list" of to-dos is getting smaller and smaller, which leaves a lot of time for crafting! Never mind that there is a load (or possibly two) of laundry that could very well be folded at the moment. The bonnet came first. (and oh how lovely it matches this adorable swim suit!)
This was the first attempt at following a pattern. I get overwhelmed at patterns and have never really spent the time to look at one and try to make it work, but this fabric that I found months ago on sale for $3.50/yard has been waiting to be made into a sweet vintagey-girly-sun-hat!
My confidence level is up and I may just attempt to follow more patterns after the success of this one! Although, I must say, some very vital steps were missed in the "how-to" portion and I found myself just guessing on what to do next...which ended with some improvising...in the end, I like how it turned out. Curious if it will actually fit right! I guess I'll find out soon enough!