Nature Walk Crock

What a Crock!
It's so obvious how much I love the outdoors and how much I force, er, encourage, my children to do the same. We hit the trails at least twice a week, have a nature table for all of our finds, and even play in the rain.

However, never has nature back stabbed me like it did on Friday.
I took the boys to one of our hiking staples (which, by the way, now charges to park, leading us to have a considerable trek to the trails to avoid the $6 surcharge--crock!) on Friday afternoon. All was well, the steep hills did, in fact, bring on a constant contraction (which was the goal) and the boys were getting the exploration fix.

Saturday morning I arise to an itchy jaw. Hmmn. It's a bit puffy as well.
Saturday becomes Sunday. Jaw continues to itch and in fact become rash-like.
Sunday becomes Monday. Full blown poison oak! All across my jaw, neck, up to my cheeks and behind my ear. Splendid. Just what I wanted to welcome my daughter into the world. A mountainous, itchy, irritable rash!

To top it off, we are expected to have ten days of rain here in the Wind Tunnel. That's a lot of rain. That's a lot of time to be cooped up. But on the lighter side... it sure makes perfect hibernation whether to bring home a newborn, don'tcha think?

Also, thanks for all the birthing/ false labor stories. I was cracking up at those who had been to the hospital multiple times! And very jealous/hopeful at those of you who had speedy labors and deliveries!

Here's to my delivery being far from a crock!

*sidenote: for my crunchy friends.... after googling and trying countless homeopathic remedies, it seems that straight purified and distilled white vinegar is the trick to clearing up this poison oak...note that for future reference!