My buddy Kruz and his family came to visit this weekend, honoring my attempt to make the time go by. Thanks Bankstons for hanging out with us! We love you!
I had to get some snuggles from him as I wanted his newborn scent to somehow telepathically induce Scarlett!
I had to get some snuggles from him as I wanted his newborn scent to somehow telepathically induce Scarlett!
Look at him admire his Mommy.
As if admiration wasn't enough, he chose to wink and flirt... that's what you learn at such a young age when you have two older brothers (and your hair is slightly red)!
Of course I was excited last night when I was getting legitimate contractions (not just Braxton Hicks) for six hours straight. Of course I was beyond disappointed when they failed to continue and now another night of sleeplessness hits the scoreboard.
Yes, I am aware this is God preparing me for a newborn. Does that make it any better? No.
However, I have to say, all my hippy-crunchy-granola birthing books have been making these false labor episodes (oh, there's been more than a few) quite entertaining, when my mom asked me how painful the contractions response..."well, not so much pain, more like an electric wave, starting at the cervix, rolling up my entire uterus, then peaking at the top to just subside--almost enthralling". Aye. Love that Ina May!
So, as I kill the time, do tell me your personal stories of false labor (or if your lucky, lack thereof--you lucky duck)... I'm needing some encouragement!