Claiming His Promise

Wow. What an incredible response from you all and the encouragement is amazing! Thanks for all of the feedback regarding organic eating on a budget and all of the encouragment and prayers. All very helpful and I'm sure I'll be using a lot of the advice!

Daddy Mock and I have been released of fear and worry. We are claiming his new job in Jesus' name. We are verbally claiming His provision and thanking Him for it, and like Amanda said, He does want to fulfill our desires, and if that means eating organic, He will provide the means to do so (and that doesn't just indicate monetary, I'll have you know a friend dropped off my first heirloom tomato plant for our future garden today, thanks Steph, that was so sweet--and just part of the answer to our prayers!)

Before we made the decision to move here, God promised us the following through verses either given to us while doing the mundane or through our time in the word:
-The desires of our heart
-Moving to the country and many descendants (!)
-Renewed strength
-Needs supplied

Because of His promises, it's our duty to proclaim them and thank Him for them, because He is faithful to His promise, and for that we can jump for joy!

“He who promised is faithful”

Hebrews 10:23