Nine Months!

Hey Sunshine.
Just in the last month, you have been so incredibly flirty with everyone! I believe you understand just how pretty and charming you are, because you are sure to play it up.
If someone is not paying attention to you, you make sure they hear you with a girly little squeal.
Not much has changed in the last month. I already documented that you cut your first tooth, can now clap, and dance. Other additions are:
-You wave hi and bye
-You eat more varieties of foods, pretty much any fruit or veggie (other than high-allergen fruits), beans, and lots of Diestel Turkey! I am still keeping you away from grains. It's a very hard task, though...they're so, well, convenient.
-You are pulling up on everything, but only to your knees, you remind me of Kid in the fact that you are very cautious and are learning how your body moves without injuring yourself. Bee was a very different story.
-You are still itty bitty. This tutu is a size newborn!
-You are very affectionate. You love your Daddy and your brothers, and have a very cute connection with Next Door #3...I've never seen two babies love on each other like you do!
I am so deeply in love with you. You are such a sweet girl with such a sweet spirit. We love you!

*Oh, and the adorable hair clip/headband and tutu come from Jewelia's Closet. Check out their etsy shop or like them of Facebook!