Three Months

Chunky-monkeys at 3 months:
Times-a-flyin. I'm trying to focus on enjoying every minute rather than being sad over these guys being my last...but sometimes I just smother them with kisses, sniffs, hugs, and squeezes, knowing I'll never have one this small again. :-(

On to happier things! I love these babies. I surely have made that clear, but they are so much fun. I think everyone should have a set of twins! Lately, when they nurse, they will grab each others hands. It's so sweet. They do it when they're on their backs doing their "kicking exercises"(Ev's term for it) as well.
-They have gone up to 9 hrs at night, but usually average a 7-hr stretch, then another 3-5. I'm still waiting for that golden twelve hours though. :-)
-Lots of smiles, and talking, now we are getting laughs!
-"kicking exercises"
-They are within ounces of doubling their birth weight, good job, boys!
-They're aware of their siblings. Everett wins the award for most smiles as of late...they love his little voice!
-They can stay awake for an hour to 1 1/2 hrs now. They are still napping from 45 min-2 hrs.
Differences: August is quicker to smile and seems to have more of them stored away. He loves being on his back and kicking away. He is so cute and flirty. Elias is my chunk of love. He's such a fatty, we call him Humpty Dumpty. He is a happy boy, but prefers to be held a little bit more than his brother (for this month at least, last month it was the other way!).

Similarities: They sleep exactly the same. Every time I check on them, their limbs are doing the exact same thing. Crazing cloneness! Also, they both are quite annoyed when they wake up. They want Mommy's milk and they want it NOW! Part of it is my fault as I tend to wake and feed them right away as it works best for doing the school drop offs and they're not used to waiting. :-) That's okay. They're even cute when they're mad.

We're full time cloth diapering now. I'm still building my stash as for some reason I only bought enough initially for one baby. Doing diaper laundry every day isn't so much fun. We're saving loads on diapers, though...and I love those cloth bums!