
I've shared some heavy stuff on here lately. 
Looking back on this time in our lives, I don't want to remember just the tough parts. 
Part of the past six months have also been some of the most fun.
Out of the nine years of being married, we've lived here a total of five.

We have seen and introduced our children to more of this area this summer than the past five years combined. They're all at an age that now makes outings possible to manage, and if I time it correctly, everyone is usually napped and fed, including an picnic meal at some point.

I've learned that these outings are my sanity. We leave the house clean and come home to a clean home. The consistent feeding and cleaning that can drive one mad doesn't exist on our adventuring days. 
 And because of that, I have fallen in love with our routine (aside from the exciting places we visit and the great company that comes along!).

I wanted to write down a few of our favorites, so when the boys are 16, driving, and looking for something to do, their go-to would be this little list, and that somehow, by the brush of a branch or the throw of a rock, it would trigger some divine memory of childhood, as it does with me.  
Every time.

Our summer spots:
-Basin Creek 
(one of the hidden spots, not the main swimming hole)
-Murphy Ranch
(a bumpy drive, but a real historic/western feel to the setting...where a lot of Little House on the Prairie was filmed)
-Frasier Flat 
(not the actual campground, but the trail.  Two great swimming spots depending on the time of day)
(so scenic and secret)
-North Fork
(a smaller creek, but packed with fish)
-Clavey River 
(my personal favorite, a bit of a drive, but so spectacular with it's rocky basins and sandy shores)
-Pinecrest Lake
(to be avoided on the weekends, but some special private beaches)
-Twain Harte Lake
(our once-a-week tradition...always a special place in this heart of mine)
-Herring Creek
(great in the spring, a lot of meadows and a large reservoir)
Kennedy Meadows
(always the most special family spot to be--the furthest from us, but worth it)
Lyons Dam
(very close and a fun little hike)

I can't wait until the kids are old enough to handle hiking.  There are so many hidden jewels that require a good 4-6 mile hike. There's just something so spiritual about being in the heart of nature without another soul in sight.  I've always had some of my greatest talks with God in this setting.
I guess that's why it's been such a deep summer for me!

My river stick collection is getting quite intense.  The property and interiors of the house show some definite proof of our adventuring!  It makes me so happy.  I love that the more nature we explore and the more I allow the kids to bring it in, the more our home shows who we are. 
Isn't that how it's supposed to be?!

Hide and Seek

I'm dragging my feet, currently at my desk... supposed to be finishing a photo session. 
Deep thoughts, racing through my brain. 
So I procrastinate, find joy by looking through a little game of hide-and-seek the babies were playing the other day (that I actually captured with my real camera since my phone was broken!).
The Lord, he's doing a work in me (always). 
A work in us. 
This faithfulness, waiting, patience's not my forte. 
Nor is gentleness or selflessness.

At the end of our time, the end of our "reserves", his plan has been even less clear than this entire journey.
I'm confused.
Peace-filled, but confused.
I knew in order for there to be growth, we would need to reach this point, of desperation.
We aren't starving.  But we've never been this vulnerable.
The true plan is hidden from our eyes.

We're done with guessing.  We sit with our arms stretched out, waiting.

One thing he has made clear.  Plan, strive, prepare.  Grow, learn, soften.
We hear you loud and clear, we feel you, we are listening.

It's been a struggle and will continue to be.  But I hear him so gently remind me in the moments of quiet (which are rare).
I do this because I love you.
I do this because you are destined.  I do this because you are willing.
I do this because you will do great things for  me.
I do this because you are you.
I do this because you are faithful.

Then he tells us in the stillness of the morning:
"Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago."
Isaiah 25:1

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in God, the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock."
Isaiah 26:3-4

"The eyes of The Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."
2 Chronicles 16:9
So we seek.  We wait. We believe.
We strive for joy in the process.
Does it hurt at times? Absolutely.
But the trust that he has put in us, with our family, with these five amazing children.
That trust alone proves to us that we are capable.  And the plan is far bigger than we ever could imagine.