Apparently this is the week of interesting conversation! I suppose I should be getting used to it as I have heard that four is a spectacular age and one filled with questions! Four is around the corner for this Kid, and his curiosity and inquisitive spirit are reminding me of that. A four-year-old? It just seems too "adult" to have a four-year-old!
Kid is fascinated with death, angels, heaven and God at the moment. I think it is in due part to Daddy Mock sharing stories of Papa Steve and answering questions that follow those stories. Kid often asks about Papa Steve, which truly melts my heart. I know he would have been an incredible grandpa. Kid would have adored him. Anyway, a conversation today:
Kid: How many bodies does Jesus have up in heaven?
Me: Well, Jesus is not so much a body, but a spirit. He may have a body up in heaven, but he still lives in our hearts and surrounds the world. He is omnipresent, like God, meaning he is everywhere, so he doesn't need a bunch of bodies.
Kid: I know he's omnipresent (a term Daddy Mock taught him!)...I'm not asking about Jesus' body. I'm asking about all the bodies up in heaven. If Papa Steve's old body is here, then he got a new body in heaven. Well, when you get really really old, you die and you get a new body in heaven if you have Jesus in your heart. So there are a lot of old people that I see. Jesus needs lots of new bodies in heaven, right?
Me: (uh?) Right.
Kid: So how many bodies does he have waiting for those people?
Me: (uh--did God know who he was giving this kid to? Apparently I need to brush up on some theology!) I'm not quite sure the number, son, and I am not sure if he actually gives people new "bodies"... they could be angels or they could be spirits just like Jesus. We're not sure. That's something we wait to find out when we get there!
Kid: Okay.
Simple as that. Or was that very simple? This kid blows me away!
Also, the both of them have been sleeping like crazy as of late. I'm not sure how as they haven't been outdoors and physically active as they usually are due to the freezing weather! But, they're sleeping until near 8, or later, taking great naps, and going down earlier than normal.
In fact, Bee asks to go ni-night now. Sometimes I put him down as early as 12pm because he begs for it--I fear that he will wake shortly thereafter, but no, he sleeps until I wake him at 3pm!
This has been making a specific Momma very happy as I have been very productive on the nesting/ organizational front. Scarlett's room is near-done and many of her tiny hand-me-downs have received their own personal addition to them, whether it be an applique, ruffle, or alteration of some kind... I just had to make them hers.
So, thank you, children for being snugly bears in your cave!
Painting must be very tiring!