Nesting: Episode Gazillion and Three

Two items left on the list: Vintage-looking clock and a glider-side lamp. The goal is to outfit the nursery with as much "used" goods possible, prohibiting from purchasing any more junk and forcing me to get more creative...
Add some hand-sewn flowers and a vintage broach from my Great Grandma Berrato and we have ourselves a lovely garden lamp!
I painted the lamp with a sample color which turned out to be the exact color that I wanted. Good thing!
I also have washed all of the 0-3 months clothes and am feeling a bit less guilty over how little time I have and how many "neccessary" tasks have not been done. I believe with both boys their clothes were washed months before and diapers lined the baskets awaiting that newborn bottom... this round has been a bit more focussed on the girly things and I keep forgetting about the neccessities... I guess it will leave room for me to waste time closer to her due date--Lord knows how that last week drags on and on!