Update (as of late)

Thanks so much for all of the comments on my past post. I love hearing of others who have gone overdue (which reminds me, my ticker has decided to start counting forward now!), are waiting, or have had/attempted VBAC's! My fave so far is an 11 lb baby girl, wow!

Went to the doctor today. As large as the chip is on my shoulder towards anything medical... I have to say, this specific Kaiser has been absolutely amazing. I know God allowed me to meet up with the perfect midwife, who then rearranged for me to have the perfect OB-GYN, who then fought for my right to have this baby the way nature intended. Not only is my doc allowing me to wait until 42 weeks for a c-section (which I think if I get there, I may be able to stretch it a few more days), but she is checking out the schedule for the next two weeks for the doc on call in the L&D unit. If there is "one specific doctor" who absolutely refused to deliver Scarlett if he was on the floor that day, she is keeping her personal schedule open to be on call in case I come in. For Kaiser, this is huge, as one of the drawbacks is that you do not get to have your own doctor deliver unless they happen to be on call that day. What a blessing!

Yes, Rachel, I'm taking my evening primrose oil via-the "flower"! (again, tmi, but I'm pretty sure women are just reading this!) Thankfully it's either that or the German herb sitz bath that has me very "soft" according to the doc. I am only dilated to 1, but I'm not letting that discourage me as I know at times that doesn't gage anything. Lil Miss is now entirely in the right position, head is felt to be in a good spot and her hand is gone (last week it was above her head, blocking her from putting any pressure on my cervix). Even my acupuncturist said today that my sacrum (lower back) was much different and she must be engaging more. All of this was very encouraging for me to hear!

The fact that I don't feel the "deadline" approaching (for a c-section) has seriously relieved me and I am feeling much more positive about waiting. It's out of my control for now. God gave me a verse a few days ago:
Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
I have fully embraced it as my "birth verse" as well as my waiting verse! He also reminded me that this whole situation is much like my race training... I must focus on a near-goal, remind myself if I can make it to that "mile", I can certainly make it to the next goal. Right now my goal is to make it to 41 weeks with a happy attitude. Admittedly, a few days ago, the wait was taking a toll on me and I forgot to focus on what is important.
It's truly such a joy to be on this journey with others... also, hearing personal birth stories and such reminds me how sacred womanhood is and the whole birthing process. What a tie that bonds us a together!