Her Room: Complete

What a shock it is to walk through our home, spotting monster trucks, cowboy books, trains, and tools to pass this room:
My goal was to spend as little money, craft as much as possible, and have a mismatched/flea-market/girly/ruffly/ not-so-pink (but definite touches!)/vintag-ey room (say that five times).
Little touches:
Lambskin mat, read the benefits of them here, gifted ballet slippers with leopard skin insoles!, hand-crafted lamp, the cutest crocheted booties!, a painted chandelier, a vintage print clock...not quite girly enough, so I added some eyelet lace, an amazing bumper, custom made from this shop, some vintage items including a tole tray I already had and a little rocking horse I picked up at a garage sale, and a handmade pillow.

Again, I contacted Brenda, from Koryscradle (etsy) to see if she would custom-make the bumper I had in mind. I was preparing for something more home-made and less professional...especially when I paid so little for it (I'm talking less than a retail-Babies R Us bumper)...when I opened the box, I was so pleased and surprised at the quality! Contact her, check out her store, she's great!

The little crocheted dress mobile was made with some string and some antique doll dresses I found in the back bin of an antique store. I fell in love instantly at their detail (not pictured, however...hey, the lighting in this room is HORRIBLE for detail photos!).

The green dresser is one of my favorites. I found it in a thrift store dumpster when Daddy Mock and I were engaged. Even they didn't want it... but I gave it a little bit of love, removed the casters, painted it, and replaced the knobs...it still is one of my favorite pieces in the house!

And the curtains? The dilemma, solved by your feedback, thank you. I'm so glad I didn't spend all the extra time adding another row of ruffles! You know I got so tired of making those ruffles, I just decided to leave the crib skirt plain? Ha. Lazy Momma.

The letters were a fun project. I wanted to do something different, flea-market find-looking, and inexpensive. Done. The backings range from $2 wooden plaques painted to vintage doilies sewn onto cardboard...all are hung by extra buttons I had.

And last but not least: the no-longer tulip high chair and my favorite hand-made item, the girly blanket!

It's kind of fun to go through and see just how much crafting/ sewing has gone on to make this room come together. To think that I just acquired my first sewing machine last year...it's a great feeling, to know how "domesticated" I've become!